----------------------- script start -------------------------
#!perl -w
# --> or /usr/bin/perl -w
# Accenture Enkitec Group
# Author: Gregory Thomas
# Send any bugs or enhancement requests to gthomas@enkitec.com
# Uncomment only when developing/debugging, do not need in production
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant CODE_VERSION => "v1.0.12";
# -------------------------------------
# Process Command Line Args
# -------------------------------------
# Test for command line arugment(s), exit if GGSHOME is not an ARGV
# Need GGS_HOME as commandline argv (each script run may use a different OGG home)
if (@ARGV < 1) {
#print STDERR "Usage: $0 PATTERN [FILE...]\n";
print STDERR "Usage: $0 <path to GGS_HOME> \n";
exit 1;
} else {
unless ( -d $ARGV[0] )
print "\nError: Directory $ARGV[0] does not exist!\n";
print "\nError: GGS_HOME path must be passed to script at each invocation\n";
exit 1;
# ---------------------
# Varaibles (Global)
# ---------------------
my $debug=2;
my $loopcnt=1;
my $ggshome=$ARGV[0]; # ARGV-0 - argument for path to $GGS_HOME
my $config=$ggshome . "/dirprm/parms.ini"; # properties file
my $scriptsdir="scripts";
my $servername=qx{hostname};
my $INFOALL="$ggshome/$scriptsdir/INFOALL";
my $LOGFILE="$ggshome/$scriptsdir/gg_monitor.pl.log";
#my $CSVFILE="$ggshome/$scriptsdir/csvdata.csv";
my $CSVFILE="$ggshome/$scriptsdir/monitor/csvdata.csv";
# Variables used in script processing
my $servername2=$ENV{'HOSTNAME'} || $ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'}; #
my %vhash = (); # hash array to hold properties from parms.ini
my @errmsgs; # array to hold all error/info messages
my @blackout; # array to hold all error/info messages
my $blackoutstring; # string value of all blackout values
my @infomsgs; # array to hold informational only messages such as the run scorecard
my @infoall; # array to hold informational from GGSCI
my @debuglog; # array to hold log and debug messages for log file
my @csvdata; # array to hold LAG/CHK data points for graphing
my @ggserrlog; # array to hold ggserr.log records
my $process_error_flag = "N"; # flag to hold error status
my $print_dashboard = "N"; # flag to
my @checks = ("lag_time","chk_time"); # internal controls for loop
my $cnt_extracts=0; # total number of extracts seen in INFOALL file
my $cnt_replicats=0; # total number of replicats seen in INFOALL file
my $error_status="";
my $loopflag=1;
# ---------------------------
# Functions
# ---------------------------
sub println
local $\ = "\n";
print @_;
# -----------------------
sub debugln
if ( $debug > 1 )
local $\ = "\n";
#print "debug--> @_";
#print LOGFILE "debug--> @_";
push(@debuglog, "debug--> @_");
} # end of debugln
# ----------------------------------
# ******************************************************************
# Start of Main
# ******************************************************************
# Loop
#for (my $i=0; $i <= $loopcnt; $i++) {
#while (1)
while ($loopflag > 0)
system("echo \"\" > $LOGFILE");
my @debuglog;
# 1) load parms.ini file into hash
# 2) Run INFO ALL through ggsci, save output to array
# 3) Process each line of INFOALL array (for process type)
# 3a) Many diferent types of checks included (all controlled by properties in parms.ini)
# 4) Print to errmsgs array for all error/status messages
# 5) Do notify function
# Check platform type and change all paths to match
my $platform=$ENV{'SystemRoot'} || $ENV{'SHELL'};
debugln "host_platform_type-> $platform";
# Test for present and Read properties file (parms) into variables or a hash
# check if file exists and can be read
debugln "reading '$config' file to load all properties into vhash and set ENV for Oracle_Home/PATH";
open(IN, $config) || die "Cannot open $config for reading: $!";
while (<IN>)
if ( not /\#/ || not /\=/ )
my $line = $_;
chomp $line;
$line =~ s/"//g;
debugln " ------------ new line --------------";
#$o{$1}=$2 while m/(\S+)=(\S+)/g;
my ($mykey, $mykeyval) = split(/=/,$line);
#print "$1=$2\n";
#my $mykey=$1;
#my $mykeyval=$2;
$vhash{$mykey} = $mykeyval;
#$ENV{$mykey} = $mykeyval;
#debugln " $$mykey-> $mykeyval = $mykeyval";
debugln " mykey-> $mykey = mykeyval-> $mykeyval";
# check if property is multi valued (has spaces), if so split into multiple variables
if ( $mykeyval =~ /\s+/ || $mykeyval =~ /:/ )
debugln " ** need to split (has space/:) mykeyval-> $mykeyval";
if ($mykeyval =~ /:/)
debugln " ** need to split because ':' in mykeyval";
debugln " mykey-> $mykey = mykeyval-> $mykeyval\n";
my @marray = split(/\s+/, $mykeyval);
#my @marray = split(/:/, $mykeyval);
debugln join(", ", @marray);
foreach my $element (@marray)
my ($keyv,$value) = split(/:/, $element);
debugln "keyv -> $keyv value -> $value";
my $newkey = $keyv . "_" . $mykey;
} else {
debugln " ** just spaces, so just multi-valued";
debugln " mykey-> $mykey = mykeyval-> $mykeyval\n";
my @marray = split(/\s+/, $mykeyval);
#$ENV{$mykey} = "n/a";
#println join(", ", @marray);
foreach (@marray)
my $newkey = $_ . "_" . $mykey;
} # end of foreach myarray
} # end of if mykeyval
} # end of if
} # end of if check
} # end of while loop thru parms.ini
debugln "size of hash: " . keys( %vhash ) . ".\n\n";
$debug = $vhash{'GGS_DEBUG'};
chomp $debug;
# GGSCI needs access to ORacle Home libraries (XDK)
#$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} = $ggshome . ":" . $vhash{'ORACLE_HOME'} . "/lib:" . $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'};
$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'} = $ggshome . ":" . $vhash{'ORACLE_HOME'} . "/lib";
$ENV{'LIBPATH'} = $ggshome . ":" . $vhash{'ORACLE_HOME'} . "/lib";
$ENV{'SHLIBPATH'} = $ggshome . ":" . $vhash{'ORACLE_HOME'} . "/lib";
$ENV{'PATH'} = $ggshome . ":" . $vhash{'ORACLE_HOME'} . "/bin:" . "/bin:" . "/usr/bin:" . $ENV{'PATH'};
#$ENV{'PATH'} = $ggshome . ":" . $vhash{'ORACLE_HOME'} . "/bin";
#$ENV{'PERL5LIB'} = $ggshome . ":" . $vhash{'ORACLE_HOME'} . "/bin";
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Print out ENV variables (loaded from parms.ini processing)
# ----------------------------------------------------
debugln "list all %ENV environment variables created after processing 'parms.ini'";
foreach (sort keys %ENV) { debugln $_ . "=" . $ENV{$_}; }
debugln "\nlist all %vhash key/values created after processing 'parms.ini'";
foreach (sort keys %vhash) { debugln $_ . " = " . $vhash{$_}; }
# ----------------------------------------
# Run GGSCI "Info All" to produce status array
# ----------------------------------------
$print_dashboard = $vhash{'print_dashboard'};
debugln "creating INFOALL file (running GGSCI command)--> $INFOALL";
push(@infoall, `echo 'info all' | $ggshome/ggsci`);
debugln "infoall array has --> @infoall";
foreach (@infoall)
debugln " infoall array element-> " . $_;
# ----------------------------------------
# Process Line in INFOALL file (for type = BOTH, SOURCE, TARGET)
# ----------------------------------------
my $metrictype=$vhash{'metrictype'};
debugln "now process (read and loop through) INFOALL file --> $INFOALL";
#push(@errmsgs, "\n INFO ");
push(@errmsgs, "\n Server: $servername Date: " . localtime);
#push(@errmsgs, " Date: " . localtime);
push(@errmsgs, " ----------------------------------\n");
# Add header to info dashboard
push(@infomsgs, "\n ------------- Information Dashboard -------------");
push(@infomsgs, " Server: $servername Date: " . localtime() . "\n");
#push(@infomsgs, " Date: " . localtime());
push(@infomsgs, " Process List from Server\n");
# check for any wildcard values in 'blackout'
if ( $vhash{'blackout'} =~ /(\\*)/ )
debugln " 'blackout' has wildcard characters---> $vhash{'blackout'}";
# go through list and find wildcarded strings
my @blackout_tmp = split(/\s+/,$vhash{'blackout'});
my $size = $#blackout_tmp + 1;
debugln " 'blackout_tmp' has wildcard strings (size)->" . $size;
foreach (@blackout_tmp)
debugln " blackout_tmp array value-> " . $_;
#if ( $_ =! m{^\/\/(\*)+} )
if ( $_ =~ m{(\*)+} )
debugln " wildcard character found in array value-> " . $_;
push (@blackout, $_);
} # end of foreach
$size = $#blackout + 1;
debugln " 'blackout' has wildcard strings (size)->" . $size;
foreach (@blackout)
debugln " blackout array value-> " . $_;
} # end of vhash check for blackout
# ----------------------------------
# try using a wildcard instead of checking for a hash key
# greg - check process name against all blackout values
# build regex string from all blackout values
# ----------------------------------
my @blackoutstringarray = split /\s+/, $vhash{'blackout'};
debugln " now cycle through all elements in blackoutstringarray -> '@blackoutstringarray'";
foreach (@blackoutstringarray)
debugln " blackoutstringarray element --> " . $_;
#$blackoutstring .= $_ . "|";
$blackoutstring .= "^" . $_ . "|";
#$blackoutstring .= "" . $_ . "|";
debugln " blackoutstring --> $blackoutstring";
chop ($blackoutstring);
$blackoutstring =~ tr/\*/\+/;
debugln "blackoutstring == '$blackoutstring'";
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# FOR LOOP THROUGH GGSCI output array, running all checks
# ---------------------------------------------------------
foreach (@infoall)
# Only allow certain line types through for checks
debugln "\n ---------------- start for process --------------------";
debugln "read--->" . $_;
# Local variables to hold each line from INFOALL file
my $ptype="n/a";
my $pstatus="n/a";
my $pname="n/a";
my $pdmllag="n/a";
my $pchklag="n/a";
my $ptotaldmllag;
my $ptotaldmllag_secs;
my $ptotalchklag;
my $ptotalchklag_secs;
my $ptime=localtime;
my $lag_hours;
my $lag_mins;
my $lag_secs;
s/^\s+//; # remove leading whitespace
s/\s+$//; # remove trailing whitespace
# SKip any lines not MANAGER, REPLICAT or EXTRACT
next unless length; # next rec unless anything left
next if $_ =~ /(^\s*$)|(^\")|(^-)/;
#next if $_ not =~ /(MANAGER|EXTRACT|REPLICAT)/;
# Add (line from INFOALL) to @infomsgs array
push(@infomsgs, " $_");
# Manager (mgr) Checks - different from process checks...no lag or chk time parameters
if ($_ =~ /MANAGER|JAGENT/)
debugln "process check for MGR";
($ptype, $pstatus) = split /\s+/, $_;
debugln "ptype->" . $ptype . ", pname->" . $pname. ", pstatus->" . $pstatus . ", pdmllag->" . $pdmllag . ", pchklag->" . $pchklag;
# Check if process is ABENDED - by this point all process blackouts are excluded already
#if ($pstatus =~ /RUNNING/)
if ($pstatus =~ /STOPPED/)
$process_error_flag = "Y";
my $msg = "$ptype process ($pname) has status '$pstatus'\n";
debugln "pname-> $pname " . $msg;
push(@errmsgs, " ERROR " . $msg);
# Process Checks
debugln "process check for EXTRACT/REPLICAT";
($ptype, $pstatus, $pname, $pdmllag, $pchklag) = split /\s+/, $_;
debugln "ptype->" . $ptype . ", pname->" . $pname. ", pstatus->" . $pstatus . ", pdmllag->" . $pdmllag . ", pchklag->" . $pchklag . ", process_error_flag->" . $process_error_flag;
$cnt_extracts++ if ($ptype =~ /EXTRACT/);
$cnt_replicats++ if ($ptype =~ /REPLICAT/);
my $localvarname = $pname . "_blackout" || "null";
debugln "localvarname -> $localvarname ";
if ( exists $vhash{$localvarname} )
debugln "....... Skipping process pname-> $pname marked for blackout specifically by name--> $localvarname";
} else {
my $blackoutlist = $vhash{'blackout'};
# Now skip any processes that match a Blackout string list
# greg now see if process name matches any string in blackout list (including wildcard strings)
if ( $pname =~ /$blackoutstring/ )
debugln "....... skipping process pname-> $pname marked for blackout by regex to specific process name or wildcard string";
debugln " ***** skipping process check due to wildcard match **** $pname =~ m/$blackoutstring/";
} # end if if for blackoutstring
} # end of if for exists hash key
# Convert lag/chk time to MINUTES or SECONDS
# --------------------------------------------
($lag_hours,$lag_mins,$lag_secs) = split /:/, $pdmllag;
$ptotaldmllag = ($lag_hours * 60) + $lag_mins;
$ptotaldmllag_secs = ( ($lag_hours * 3600) + ($lag_mins * 60) ) + $lag_secs;
debugln " = ($lag_hours * 60) + $lag_mins";
debugln " ptotaldmllag-> $ptotaldmllag (lag_hours=$lag_hours lag_mins=$lag_mins lag_secs=$lag_secs) - minutes (pdmllag--> $pdmllag)";
debugln "ptotaldmllag_sec-> $ptotaldmllag_secs (lag_hours=$lag_hours lag_mins=$lag_mins lag_secs=$lag_secs) - seconds";
debugln " = ( ($lag_hours * 3600) + ($lag_mins * 60) ) + $lag_secs";
# Convert chk time to minutes and seconds
($lag_hours,$lag_mins,$lag_secs) = split /:/, $pchklag;
$ptotalchklag = ($lag_hours * 60) + $lag_mins;
$ptotalchklag_secs =( ($lag_hours * 3600) + ( $lag_mins * 60) + $lag_secs );
debugln " = ($lag_hours * 60) + $lag_mins";
debugln " ptotalchklag-> $ptotalchklag (lag_hours=$lag_hours lag_mins=$lag_mins lag_secs=$lag_secs) - minutes (pchklag -> $pchklag)";
debugln "=(($lag_hours*3600)+($lag_mins*60)+$lag_secs)";
debugln "ptotalchklag_secs-> $ptotalchklag_secs (lag_hours=$lag_hours lag_mins=$lag_mins lag_secs=$lag_secs) - seconds";
# CSV Data Points
# write data points (CSV lag data points ) - if needed
# if seconds, write out in seconds, if mininutes write out in minutes
debugln " CVS data point--> $ptime, $pname, $ptype, $pstatus, $ptotaldmllag, $ptotalchklag (metrictype-> $metrictype)";
my $localtime_number = time();
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime();
$year = $year + 1900;
$mon = $mon + 1;
# write csv data points
# Change - write lagdelay in seconds or minutes
# If metric is in seconds use "ptotalchklag_secs , if not use ptotalchklag
my $metricmeasure=$metrictype;
debugln " csvdata--> $ptime, $pname, $ptype, $pstatus, $ptotaldmllag, $ptotalchklag (metrictype-> $metrictype)";
debugln "push(csvdata, $localtime_number,$year-$mon-$mday $hour:$min:$sec,$ptime,$pname,$ptype,$pstatus,$ptotaldmllag_secs,$ptotalchklag_secs,$metricmeasure";
push(@csvdata, "$localtime_number,$year-$mon-$mday $hour:$min:$sec,$ptime,$pname,$ptype,$pstatus,$ptotaldmllag_secs,$ptotalchklag_secs,$metricmeasure");
# Check if process is ABENDED - by this point all process blackouts are excluded already
my $error_status = $vhash{'process_error_status'};
debugln " error_status -> $error_status (flag as error if process has this status)";
debugln " ($pstatus =~ /$error_status/)";
#if ($pstatus =~ /ABENDED/)
if ($pstatus =~ /$error_status/)
$process_error_flag = "Y";
my $msg = "$ptype process ($pname) has status '$pstatus'";
debugln "pname-> $pname " . $msg;
push(@errmsgs, " ERROR " . $msg);
# -------------------------------------------------
# FOR LOOP through all processes in INFOALL file
# run for loop to check DML and CHK lag for process
# -------------------------------------------------
foreach my $checktype (@checks)
debugln " foreach loop..... ------------> checktype-> $checktype ---------------";
# Check if process Chk delay exceeds a custom or global metric from parms.ini
my $global_chklag = $vhash{$checktype};
my $tempvar = $pname . "_x" . $checktype;
my $custom_chklag = $vhash{$tempvar} || 0;
my $check_chklag = 0;
my $type_metric = "";
my $type_lag = "";
chomp $global_chklag;
chomp $custom_chklag;
debugln " foreach loop.....global_chklag->$global_chklag custom_chklag->$custom_chklag check_chklag->$check_chklag process_error_flag->$process_error_flag";
debugln " foreach loop.....checktype-> $checktype check_chklag-> $check_chklag type_metric->$type_metric type_lag->$type_lag";
if ( $custom_chklag > 0 )
$check_chklag = $custom_chklag;
$type_metric = "custom";
debugln " setting check_chklag->$check_chklag custom_chklag->$custom_chklag type_metric ->$type_metric checktype-> $checktype";
} else {
$check_chklag = $global_chklag;
$type_metric = "global";
debugln " setting check_chklag->$check_chklag global_chklag->$global_chklag type_metric->$type_metric";
} # end of if for custom check
debugln " foreach loop.....global_chklag->$global_chklag custom_chklag->$custom_chklag check_chklag->$check_chklag process_error_flag->$process_error_flag";
debugln " foreach loop.....checktype-> $checktype check_chklag-> $check_chklag type_metric->$type_metric type_lag->$type_lag";
debugln " foreach loop.....global_chklag->$global_chklag custom_chklag-> $custom_chklag check_chklag->$check_chklag checktype->$checktype";
# now do the comparison between the values
# determine if checmking DML or CHK lag in this iteration
debugln " foreach loop.....global_chklag-> $global_chklag custom_chklag -> $custom_chklag check_chklag ->$check_chklag checktype-> $checktype";
my $currentlag = 0;
my $check_word = "";
my $timevalue = "";
# set check values based on checktype (either dml or chk)
if ( $checktype =~ /lag_time/ )
$timevalue = $pdmllag;
if ( $vhash{'metrictype'} =~ /minutes/ )
debugln " using metrictype-> minutes to test thresholds";
# if using Minnutes
$currentlag = $ptotaldmllag;
} else {
debugln " using metrictype-> seconds to test thresholds";
# if using seconds
$currentlag = $ptotaldmllag_secs;
$check_word = "DML lag";
$type_lag = $pname . "_blackoutlag";
} else {
$timevalue = $pchklag;
if ( $vhash{'metrictype'} =~ /minutes/ )
# if using Minnutes
$currentlag = $ptotalchklag;
} else {
# if using seconds
$currentlag = $ptotalchklag_secs;
$check_word = "CHKP delay";
$type_lag = $pname . "_blackoutchk";
} # end of if for check_type (LAG or CHK)
debugln " foreach loop.....global_chklag->$global_chklag custom_chklag->$custom_chklag check_chklag->$check_chklag currentlag-> $currentlag";
debugln " foreach loop.....timevalue->$timevalue check_word->$check_word checktype->$checktype type_metric-> $type_metric ";
if ( not exists $vhash{$type_lag} )
my $msg = "";
debugln " foreach loop.....global_chklag-> $global_chklag custom_chklag -> $custom_chklag check_chklag ->$check_chklag currentlag -> $currentlag";
debugln " foreach loop.....now compare currentlag->$currentlag check_chklag->$check_chklag is $currentlag > $check_chklag ";
debugln " foreach loop..... check_word->$check_word ptotalchklag-> $ptotalchklag ";
if ( $currentlag > $check_chklag )
debugln " foreach loop..... pname-> $pname variable NOT ($type_lag) found for exlcuding from lag type check type_lag-> $type_lag";
debugln " foreach loop.....timevalue->$timevalue check_word->$check_word checktype->$checktype type_metric-> $type_metric check_word-> $check_word";
$process_error_flag = "Y";
#$msg = "$ptype process ($pname) with status ($pstatus) has exceeded $check_word ($type_metric): $ptotalchklag ($pchklag ) > $check_chklag)";
$msg = "$ptype process ($pname) with status ($pstatus) has exceeded $check_word ($type_metric / in $vhash{'metrictype'}): $currentlag ($timevalue) > $check_chklag)";
debugln " foreach loop..... pname-> $pname " . $msg . " process_error_flag -> " . $process_error_flag;
push(@errmsgs, " ERROR " . $msg . "\n");
#push(@errmsgs, " details: ptype->" . $ptype . ", pname->" . $pname. ", pstatus->" . $pstatus . ", pdmllag->" . $pdmllag . ", pchklag->" . $pchklag . ", process_error_flag->" . $process_error_flag);
} else {
$msg = "$ptype process ($pname) with status ($pstatus) is ok $check_word ($type_metric): $currentlag ($timevalue ) > $check_chklag)";
debugln " foreach loop..... pname-> $pname " . $msg;
} # end of IF for currentlag > check_chklag
} else {
debugln " foreach loop..... pname-> $pname variable found for exlcuding from lag type check type_lag-> $type_lag";
debugln " foreach loop..... no check against $check_word since variable found exlcuding from $check_word check type_lag-> $type_lag";
} # end of IF check for blackout variable existence
debugln " foreach loop.....pname-> $pname process_error_flag-> $process_error_flag type_metric -> $type_metric";
debugln " foreach loop.....ptype->" . $ptype . ", pname->" . $pname. ", pstatus->" . $pstatus . ", pdmllag->" . $pdmllag . ", pchklag->" . $pchklag . ", process_error_flag->" . $process_error_flag;
debugln " foreach loop..... timevalue->$timevalue check_word->$check_word checktype->$checktype type_metric-> $type_metric";
debugln " foreach loop..... ----------------- check_word->$check_word checktype->$checktype ------------------------";
} # end of foreach loop thru two checks - dml and chk)
debugln " cnt_extracts -> $cnt_extracts , cnt_replicats -> $cnt_replicats";
debugln " ---------------- end for process (while loop) --------------------";
} # end of IF for process checks
} # end of while thru INFOALL file
# Run process count checks against configured counts
debugln "alert_counts -> '$vhash{'alert_counts'}'";
if ( $vhash{'alert_counts'} =~ /Y/ )
my $ggsmode=$vhash{'ggs_mode'};
chomp $ggsmode;
my $total_extract = $vhash{'extract_count'};
my $total_replicat= $vhash{'replicat_count'};
chomp $total_extract;
chomp $total_replicat;
debugln "checking process counts - ggsmode-> $ggsmode total_extract-> $total_extract total_replicat-> $total_replicat";
if ( $ggsmode =~ /SOURCE|BOTH/ )
debugln "checking process counts (for EXTRACT) ggsmode-> $ggsmode";
if ( $cnt_extracts == $total_extract )
debugln "checking EXTRACT process counts MATCH : ggsmode-> $ggsmode total_extract-> $total_extract cnt_extract-> $cnt_extracts";
} else {
$process_error_flag = "Y";
my $msg = "Process counts for EXTRACT do not match configured state, running $cnt_extracts, configured for $total_extract processes";
debugln "checking process counts DO NOT MATCH ggsmode-> $ggsmode total_extract-> $total_extract ctn_extracts-> $cnt_extracts";
push(@errmsgs, "WARNING " . $msg);
} # end of if for count comparison
} # end of if for SOURCE
if ( $ggsmode =~ /TARGET|BOTH/ )
debugln "checking process counts (for REPLICAT) ggsmode-> $ggsmode";
if ( $cnt_replicats == $total_replicat )
debugln "checking REPLICATprocess counts MATCH : ggsmode-> $ggsmode total_replicat-> $total_replicat cnt_replicats-> $cnt_replicats";
} else {
$process_error_flag = "Y";
my $msg = "Process counts for REPLICAT do not match configured state, running $cnt_replicats, configured for $total_replicat processes";
debugln "checking process counts DO NOT MATCH : ggsmode-> $ggsmode total_replicat-> $total_replicat total_replicat-> $total_replicat";
push(@errmsgs, "WARNING " . $msg);
} # end of if for count comparison
} # end of if for SOURCE
} # end of IF for alert_counts
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Parse the "ggserr.log" looking for ERROR or WARNING messages, add to array and include in notifications
# ------------------------------------------------------------
debugln " now check to see if 'ggserr.log' needs to be parsed parse_error_log -> $vhash{'parse_error_log'}";
if ( $vhash{'parse_error_log'} =~ /Y/ )
my $count = 0;
my $filesize = -s "$ggshome/ggserr.log"; # filesize used to control reaching the start of file while reading it backward
my $offset = 0; # skip two last characters: \n and ^Z in the end of file
my @old_filesize;
my $old_filesize = 0;
my $previous_filesize = 0;
my $current_filesize = 0;
my $size_diff ;
debugln "current size ggserr.log filesize-> '$filesize' bytes";
# now test to see if .ggserr.log.size exists (get previous read position)
if ( -e "$ggshome/.ggserr.log.size")
debugln "now test for .ggserr.log.size - EXISTS";
open FILESIZE, "$ggshome/.ggserr.log.size" or die $!;
@old_filesize = <FILESIZE>;
$current_filesize = $filesize;
debugln "old_filesize -> '@old_filesize' current_filesize-> '$current_filesize'";
close (FILESIZE);
$previous_filesize = $old_filesize[0];
$size_diff = $current_filesize - $previous_filesize;
debugln "previous_filesize -> $previous_filesize size_diff-> $size_diff";
if ( $previous_filesize > $current_filesize )
debugln "ggserr.log has been rotated previous_filesize-> $previous_filesize > old_filesize -> $old_filesize[0]";
$previous_filesize = 0;
$size_diff = $filesize;
} else {
debugln "ggserr.log has NOT been rotated previous_filesize-> $previous_filesize < old_filesize-> $old_filesize[0]";
debugln "previous_filesize-> $previous_filesize size_diff-> $size_diff current_filesize->$current_filesize";
} else {
debugln "now test for .ggserr.log.size - DOES NOT EXIST";
# file does not exist, create with starting 0
open FILESIZE, ">$ggshome/.ggserr.log.size" or die $!;
print FILESIZE "0";
$previous_filesize = 0;
$size_diff = $filesize;
debugln "now trying a read from an offset (file is growing and only read new parts)";
debugln "filesize -> $filesize";
debugln "old_filesize -> $old_filesize";
debugln "current_filesize -> $current_filesize";
debugln "previous_filesize -> $previous_filesize";
debugln "size_diff -> $size_diff";
my $errmsgs_size = @errmsgs;
#push(@ggserrlog, "\n ------------ ggserr.log ERRORS ---------");
my @filedata;
my $filedata;
open F, "$ggshome/ggserr.log" or die $!;
seek (F,$previous_filesize,0); # Go to last area read
read(F,$filedata,$size_diff); #note the last 100 bytes get stored in $ab
my $xc = 0;
foreach (split(/\n/,$filedata))
if ( $_ =~ /ERROR/ )
debugln " ggserr.log #$xc-> $_";
#push(@errmsgs, "$_");
push(@ggserrlog, "$_");
#push(@ggserrlog, "\n");
# write out byte size of file read ( .ggserr.log.size )
open FILESIZE, ">$ggshome/.ggserr.log.size" or die $!;
print FILESIZE "$filesize";
close (FILESIZE);
if ( $xc > 1 )
debugln "xc -> $xc";
debugln "errors listed in ggserr.log (line counted xc -> $xc";
} else {
debugln "xc -> $xc";
debugln "no errors in ggserr.log ";
push(@ggserrlog, " ** no ERROR messages found\n");
} # end of if for parse_error_log check
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------
# Notify and Output Section
# --------------------------------
debugln "notify...... ***************************** ";
debugln "notify...... Notify and Output Processing";
debugln "notify...... ***************************** ";
debugln "notify...... ";
my $notifyflag = $vhash{'notifyflag'};
chomp $notifyflag;
my $outputmessage = $vhash{'outputmessage'};
chomp $outputmessage;
debugln "notify......notifyflag->$notifyflag outputmessage->$outputmessage process_error_flag->$process_error_flag";
if ( $outputmessage =~ /Y/ )
debugln "notify......error messages from run, notifyflag->'$notifyflag' process_error_flag ->$process_error_flag";
if ($process_error_flag =~ /Y/ )
debugln "notify......print out message array outputmessage->$outputmessage process_error_flag->$process_error_flag";
foreach (@errmsgs)
println $_;
debugln $_;
debugln "notify......" . @errmsgs if ( $debug > 1 );
foreach (@infomsgs)
println $_;
debugln $_;
if ( $vhash{'parse_error_log'} =~ /Y/ )
my $ggserrlog_size = @ggserrlog;
debugln "notify...... ggserrlog_size --> $ggserrlog_size";
print "\n ------------ ggserr.log ERRORS ---------\n";
if ( $ggserrlog_size > 30 )
my $xc = 0;
foreach (reverse(@ggserrlog))
print $_ . "\n";
last if ($xc > 10);
} else {
foreach (@ggserrlog)
print $_ . "\n";
# greg99
} # end of if parse_error_log
} else {
debugln "notify......print out message array outputmessage->$outputmessage process_error_flag->$process_error_flag";
println "\nSTATUS->OK\n";
push(@errmsgs, " INFO STATUS->OK\n");
debugln @errmsgs if ( $debug > 1 );
} # end of process_error_flag
# ------------------------------------------------
# Notify (customize for SMTP, SNMP or CLI)
# ------------------------------------------------
debugln " notifyflag-> $notifyflag notifyonlyonerrors-> $vhash{'notifyonlyonerrors'} process_error_flag-> $process_error_flag";
#if ( $notifyflag =~ /Y/ && $vhash{'notifyonlyonerrors'} =~ /Y/ && $process_error_flag =~ /Y/ )
if ( $notifyflag =~ /Y/ )
debugln "notify...... no check process_error_flag->$process_error_flag or notifyonlyonerrors-> $vhash{'notifyonlyonerrors'}";
if ( $process_error_flag =~ /Y/ || $vhash{'notifyonlyonerrors'} =~ /N/ )
debugln "notify......email will be sent process_error_flag->$process_error_flag or notifyonlyonerrors-> $vhash{'notifyonlyonerrors'}";
debugln "notify......notifyflag->$notifyflag - building email notification due to process_error_flag->$process_error_flag";
# Send email
my $to = $vhash{'mailuser'};
my $from = $vhash{'fromuser'};
my $subject = "OGG Monitoring Email from $vhash{'systemname'}";
my $message = 'This is test email sent by Perl Script';
#open(MAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t");
#open(MAIL, "|sendmail -t");
debugln "open(MAIL, |/bin/mailx -s '$subject' $to )";
open(MAIL, "|/bin/mailx -s '$subject' $to ");
debugln "notify......Email details-> to-> $to from-> $from subject-> $subject";
# Email Header
print MAIL "To: $to\n";
print MAIL "From: $from\n";
print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n\n";
# Email Body
#print MAIL @errmsgs;
foreach (@errmsgs)
print MAIL $_ . "\n";
if ( $print_dashboard =~ /Y/ )
foreach (@infomsgs)
print MAIL $_ . "\n";
if ( $vhash{'parse_error_log'} =~ /Y/ )
my $ggserrlog_size = @ggserrlog;
debugln "notify...... ggserrlog_size --> $ggserrlog_size";
print MAIL "\n ------------ ggserr.log ERRORS ---------\n";
if ( $ggserrlog_size > 10 )
my $xc = 0;
foreach (reverse(@ggserrlog))
print MAIL $_ . "\n";
last if ($xc > 10);
} else {
foreach (@ggserrlog)
print MAIL $_ . "\n";
} # end of if for parse_error_log
debugln "notify......Email Sent Successfully - notifyflag->$notifyflag process_error_flag->$process_error_flag\n" ;
} else {
debugln "notify...... notification = No email sent process_error_flag->$process_error_flag or notifyonlyonerrors->$vhash{'notifyonlyonerrors'}";
} # end of if for notify
} else {
debugln "notify......not outputing results - outputmessage->$outputmessage";
debugln "notify......write out message outputmessage->$outputmessage";
debugln "notify......" . @errmsgs;
} # end of IF for outputmessage
# write data Points
debugln "write out message outputmessage->$outputmessage";
if ( $vhash{'writedatapoints'} =~ /Y/ )
debugln "write out message writedatapoints =~ /Y/ outputmessage->$outputmessage";
open (CSVFILE, ">>$CSVFILE");
foreach (@csvdata)
print CSVFILE "$_\n";
close (CSVFILE) or die "$!\n";
# --------------- debug log
# now print out a debug log if configured
if ( $debug > 0 )
# Open LOG file handle
system("echo '' > $LOGFILE");
open (LOGFILE, ">",$LOGFILE);
truncate LOGFILE,0;
foreach (@debuglog)
print LOGFILE "$_\n";
close (LOGFILE) or die "$!\n";
@debuglog = ();
$#debuglog = -1;
# Reset array and status variables for next run
#$error_status = $vhash{'process_error_status'};
@csvdata = ();
@blackout = ();
@debuglog = ();
@infomsgs = ();
@errmsgs = ();
@ggserrlog = ();
#$blackoutstring = "";
@infomsgs = ();
@infoall = ();
@csvdata = ();
# Sleep for While loop
my $sleep_interval = $vhash{'sleeptime'};
# Loop interval (check or exit)
my $loop_interval = $vhash{'loopinterval'};
debugln ("end of loop checking loopinterval--> $loop_interval");
if ( $loop_interval == 0)
} else {
#println "Finished loop --> #$loopcnt sleeping --> $sleep_interval";
debugln ("Finished loop --> #$loopcnt sleeping --> $sleep_interval");
sleep $sleep_interval;
undef @debuglog;
} # end of endless while loop
# Set return status for shell execution (sometimes used by third-party tools that run the script)
if ( $process_error_flag =~ /Y/ )
exit 1;
} else {
exit 0;
----------------------- script end -------------------
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